I’m Back!

I just finished college courses for the year, so I will try to get back into my regular posting of wallpapers at least once a week into the new year.  Thanks for sticking with me through this extended absence.


New Theme (Stay)

After messing around with trying out various themes over the past week, I believe I have finally settled on the perfect theme for this blog.  I love the fact this theme allows for the wallpapers to be more in the forefront of the blog, and width of the content area I believe allows more visibility and less clutter, so the user can focus more on the content than the background.  It also looks more modern than any of the previous themes that I have used.

Let me know if you like/dislike it in the comments!

-For nostalgia’s sake, here’s what my blog has looked like over the years: (chronological order)

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Testing New Themes

I recently ran into problems with my previous theme having to do with displaying images correctly with the right alignment.  The problem has been temporarily fixed with a new theme, but I am currently testing other themes as well, so expect some appearance changes over the next couple of days.


File Host Issues (Drops) Round #2

If you have been subscribed to my blog for a while, you might remember that around five months ago one file host that I use to upload zipped wallpaper sets (DropsApp) went down for a week and many wallpaper sets were unable to download.  Well, this past week, the same problem happened again.  Currently, all wallpaper sets that have zip files uploaded on drops.so are affected. The download links for my other file host, Ge.tt do work.  If you want to have a certain wallpaper set’s .zip file reuploaded, please comment on that wallpaper set and I will try to reupload that set on Ge.tt ASAP, depending on how much free time I have.  Alternatively, you can download the wallpapers one by one for affected sets.

Thanks for understanding,




Posting Frequency Explanation

Just an update:

I’m going through a really busy time with both school and sports, so it’s been really hard to even meet my goal of posting one wallpaper set a week.  A couple of my classes conclude at the end of April though, so I should be able to post two sets a week again starting in May.  Please bear with the lack of wallpapers until then:)


Ben (Admin)

File Host Issues (drops.so)

If you have tried to download a wallpaper set in the past couple of days, you may have noticed that once you went to the file hosting site (drp.so), and clicked download that it gave a weird XML error.  I have contacted the support team of the drops site, but so far they have not responded.  Until the error is fixed, for all new wallpaper sets I will use ge.tt file hosting for the .zip files.  As for the old wallpaper sets that have links to the drops site, you will have to download the wallpapers one by one, as I don’t have the time currently to reupload all the dead links.  Thanks for the understanding,



2012 in review

Courtesy of the staff at wordpress, here’s a year end report of all the site stats of the past year.  Thanks to all of my readers who made this possible:)

Here’s an excerpt:

About 55,000 tourists visit Liechtenstein every year. This blog was viewed about 4,000,000 times in 2012. If it were Liechtenstein, it would take about 73 years for that many people to see it. Your blog had more visits than a small country in Europe!

Click here to see the complete report.