How I Customize My Desktop

In this post I’m going to show you how I customize my desktop and the programs I use to do so.  (Click on the screenshots to see them full size)

(Also check out my Wallpaper Utilities Page to see the utilities I use that have to do with wallpapers)

Well, first of all here’s my desktop:  Currently I’m using the default Windows 7 logon screen as my wallpaper.  Below I’ll list the programs that I use to customize my desktop.

1)  First of all you’ll notice that my icons are neatly organized into groups.  The program used for that is called Fences, available through stardock. Link here.

2)  Second, take a closer glance at my taskbar.  You’ll notice the documents and pictures icons.  On Windows 7 normally you cannot pin folders to the taskbar.  So how am I doing that here?  Well, I’m using a handy program called Windows 7 Taskbar Items Pinner, which allows you to pin anything to the windows taskbar.  Link

3)  If you’ll  look at the bottom right corner you can see a battery bar.  This program monitors the status of my battery and displays the battery’s status in the taskbar.  Battery Bar

4) On the right you’ll see my sidebar.  Google desktop includes this sidebar alongside its search indexing service.  I have the sidebar set to autohide.  The widgets I use on it are as follows: (In order from top to bottom)

-Gmail icon

-Windows Dock

-Weather Globe

-Weather gadget


-Pictures Slideshow


Here is a small screenshot of the logon screen I use.  One of the many programs you can use to change your logon screen is available here: Logon Studio Vista


Here’s a showcase of some of my past desktops: (Note: to see slideshow, requires the latest version of Firefox)

Do you have any methods or programs that you use to customize your desktop?  Let me know in the comments section.

7 comments on “How I Customize My Desktop

  1. Thanks for these. Downloaded 3 utilities 🙂 !

  2. PowerX says:

    The Battery Bar is really good, thanks. But I have one problem with it. When I have been instaling the aplication, in the end it appers on my desktop. And now I dont know, how to put it in the taskbar. Does anyone know, how to do it? Thanks guys.

    • Efreak15 says:

      When you first install it, the setup gives you the option to have it as floating on the desktop. I would reinstall Battery Bar, making sure to uncheck that option.

  3. Jarrett says:

    so you spend the time to customize your desktop and log in screen, but you still use that stupid default flower as your user picture?

    • Ben says:

      Yeah, its sad isn’t it? I actually kinda like the minimalistic appearance of the logon screen so I’m sticking with it for now.

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